Monday, August 25, 2008

"We're Here to Get Each Other into Heaven"

"We're here to get each other into heaven": words spoken at a Bible Study class. Profound words. Words so profound to me that although I'd not been taking any special notes up until that point, I whipped out the first paper my hand grasped which turned out to be my checkbook, of all things, so I would remember the exact words. I do that sometimes when something is said beyond the norm.

How simple. How simply wonderful. What if we all operated on this premise 24/7? What would this world be like? Irrecognizable, I think. "We're here to get each other into heaven."

Today how would you change your actions, words, thoughts if that was your sole reason for living? What would you do? You would do and I would do what we SHOULD do. Don't we all know what that is pretty much every single moment of every single day? Really - don't we? In our heart of hearts? We all know what's right, what would please God the most, what would smooth another's way to heaven. We know. We're not stupid. Or are we? "We're here to get each other into heaven."

So what are you going to do today to get someone into heaven? One thing - what'll it be? Calling that friend to chat even though you, yourself, feel poorly. Volunteering at the soup kitchen. You've always been meaning to go but just haven't gotten around to doing it. Maybe now's the time. Or jotting a note to a lonely friend or a frazzled mom. Take that spotlight off of you. Shine it on another because "we're here to get each other into heaven."

Think about what you've just read. Read it again. Your mind heard it the first time - now read it a second time so it sinks into your heart. And then put that thinking cap on and do something concrete to make another's way easier. Just think - if you are pushing another into heaven look how closely you are behind them. God certainly can't miss seeing you there, too. What if the only question God asks you after you die is, "What have you done to get My other children here with Me?" Just as I whipped out my checkbook you can whip out a list a mile long if you take the time to begin now. Funny thing about God, though. With or without the lists, He knows - He always knows.

"We're here to get each other into heaven."

~ Maureen :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like we're opperating on the same wavelength. Just like the words of Jacob Marley in Dicken's "A Christmas Carol:

    "'Business!' cried the Ghost, wringing his hands again.
    'Mankind was my business.
    The common welfare was my business;
    charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business.
    The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water
    in the comprehensive ocean of my business!'"

    I love that book. P.S. Thank you very, very much for the nice words about my blog. You made my day.


Hello ladies (and the occasional enlightened man!),
Feel free to comment. I'd love to hear from you.
~ Maureen :)