Sunday, February 24, 2008

Try, Try Again

I just wrote a blog and for no apparent reason it disappeared. You cannot imagine the restraint I am using in not slamming down the top of my laptop. However, I did that once on a used laptop I'd had that had been giving me lots of trouble. Well, after that slam it didn't give me anymore trouble; I killed it! And forever were my words lost in the process. So I've learned a lesson of sorts with that experience. Patience is a virtue, so I've heard.

Sometimes I think patience is only meant to go so far though. Patience to the extreme can be a bad thing. Patience has its opposite in change, and most times change is very hard but very necessary for one's life. Status quo never really has a very good connotation. It implies stagnation. Are you experiencing stagnation in your life right now? Do you wish to be doing something you have not yet found the time or money or inclination to do? Do you just need a shot of courage? Too bad we can't walk down the Yellow Brick Road to Oz to get that shot of courage. Do you feel like the Cowardly Lion at times in your life?

What can you do about your circumstance today to make it better? Can you surf the Web to find answers or ideas? Can you call a trusted friend to ask her opinion? Do you have a quiet place in your house where you can go to ask God for some much needed guidance? Today, instead of patience, I wish you the courage to do just one small, yet important, thing. Steal the Nike motto and just do it. Remember if at first you don't succeed...
~Maureen :)

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~ Maureen :)