Sunday, February 21, 2010

Enjoying the Sabbath

This day, this Sunday, I think I am experiencing the meaning of a Sabbath day. I don’t always feel this way on Sundays, but I have a friend who always remembers “to keep holy the Lord’s day.” She tells me how she begins her day with Mass and reads and works on a puzzle and takes a nap. Sounds heavenly, doesn’t it? She doesn’t do chores on Sunday. The resemblance to my Sundays and my friend’s Sundays end after morning Mass.

But today was different. It has felt Sabbath-like. All of my sons are home, which is a rarity, so I stopped at the grocery store after Mass and bought some ingredients for an extra-special dinner. I watched one of my favorite all-time movies, I Remember Mama, amid the voices of my family, but for once I wasn’t bothered by their chattering. We were all in one room enjoying each others’ company. Again, a rarity, as all my boys experience more and more of their own lives away from the old homestead. We even discussed our upcoming summer vacation. Who knows how many will go? But they all know they are welcome.

And that’s a major life shift in the past several years. The birdies are flying out of the nest. I’m adjusting; all moms do. But I savor a day like today when all birds are roosting here. And what speaks to my five men more eloquently than a good dinner? So…time to go. Time to cook and maybe read or watch another movie or…the Sabbath possibilities are endless.

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