Thursday, February 25, 2010

This and That

So…what’d you do fun today? Hmmm? C’mon, what’d you do? I had lunch with a friend. Kept me in a good mood all day long as I accomplished much today. Mundane errands take on a cheerier outlook when we’ve had a little fun. Grocery shopping isn’t such a chore after a delicious and chatty lunch. Paying bills goes more quickly. Even putting away all the food takes on a lighter air. I do believe this is called happiness. Fancy that!

And talk about happiness: You never saw a happier woman than when I opened the door and yelled up the steps to see if my youngest son was home. My little pack mule! He carried every bag, every jug and every sack of dog food into the house. Small pleasures! I love them.

Hey, it’s 10 months until Christmas. How’s that going? Is there something small you could do to make its arrival a little less hectic? Sorting recipes? Organizing addresses? Just a thought. Every little bit helps.

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