Monday, March 8, 2010

One Life to Live

Do you ever want to curl up in a cocoon like a caterpillar? Spin a web around yourself to shield you from all that you don’t wish to deal with? Life isn’t rosy all the time for anyone. Whether you’re just starting out or been at this thing called life a while, we all have our up days and our down days with many days in between. As moms, however, we are also equipped with that super-strong radar when it comes to our children. So not only do we experience our fair share of down days, but we also heap on our children’s bad days much of the time.

I don’t know about you but I’m getting better at shrugging off my sons’ bad days. I think we call this progress. I have to remember that I am me; I am not any one of my children. I have my life, and that life is the life for which I am responsible to God. I have raised my boys. Now it’s up to them to forge their ways in life. I can advise, but I can’t do it for them. It’s sink or swim time. And I have to sit on the sidelines and watch.

I can only do so much now. And that’s OK, because I did so very much for a long time. I’ve given my boys the basics. What they choose to do with the knowledge is up to them. Now I’m allowing myself to take a breather from their worries. I’ve earned it. I’m happy I’ve learned to step far enough back to observe and not become embroiled in situations over which I really don’t have much control. It’s a freeing feeling. Don’t get me wrong – a kid needs me – I’m there, but I also realize when it’s best not to be there – best for them and best for me.

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